
Partnering in God's worldwide Great Commission

You have the privilege and responsibility of sharing with others what you now know about Christ. Someone reached out to you, spoke to you, or invited you, and now it’s your turn to do the same. Start with those you know and care about – family and friends. Simply be a good friend, let them see how you’re growing more and more as a Christ follower. Invite them to church where they can hear more about the message of Christ. You don’t have to know a lot about the Bible to be able to share your “testimony” – your story of what you were like BC (before Christ), how you came to faith in Christ, and the difference He’s made.

In whom are you investing and inviting?

Go to others – whether it’s at home, in your neighborhood, in your community, across the country or even a different country. What is God asking you to do for him? That’s the mission Jesus gave us – to make more disciples, to reproduce!

Mark 16:15 – “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

Need some ideas for where to start?


We are devoted to growing not just our church, but the Global Church through supporting local and global mission partners. We primarily choose to support missions which share our plea for pre-denominational New Testament Christianity, especially those focused on church planting and sending out evangelists.

Click on the names to learn more about any of them.

Church Planting Compassion Outreach Global Evangelism

Community Partners

We also serve together with many Community Partners!

Click on the names to learn more about any of them.

The Arc Downriver
Children with Hair Loss
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries
Habitat for Humanity
Hannah’s Care Packages
Penrickton Center for Blind Children
Pregnancy Center Lincoln Park
Multiple Senior Centers & Apartments

Help me take my Next Step!
